One of the mistakes I see people make in their strategic planning days is for the group to start to discuss what their mission, vision, values, goals and strategies etc are without the group having a shared understanding and agreement on what those terms actually mean. The result – confusion reigns and the session grinds… Read more…
Effective strategy and planning days – Keep presentations to a minimum
Every year I get to facilitate strategy sessions, planning days, advisory panels, corporate partner workshops and staff days for a diverse range of organisations. At the end of each workshop I make a note of my key learning to take forward to the next. One observation and key learning is the need to keep presentations… Read more…
How to use WIP meetings to drive team performance
“I must go; we have our WIP (Work in Progress meeting) in 5 minutes. They are such a waste of time.” These were the words that ended a client call. The person anticipated their WIP with as much enthusiasm as a visit to the dentist. If your WIPs are not working for you, don’t suffer… Read more…
Enhancing your team’s performance
Why is it that some teams stay together, flourish and exceed their objectives whilst others have a never ending turnover of staff and make little progress towards achieving their goals? Having experienced a number of different teams close up I would like to share with you my observations on the common traits of teams that… Read more…
Values – a waste of time or key business driver?
Are values a waste of time or a powerful driver for you and your organisation? Values are important as they articulate what you believe in and are the principles that guide everything you do. They guide behaviour, actions and decision making at an individual and organisational level. They make life easier for you; you can… Read more…