I wish I had a dollar every time I walk into an organisation that should be stimulating only to find an uninspiring environment where the people have lost their passion for what they do and forgotten the reason they took the role in the first place.
The worst offenders are often charities and cultural institutions where people have come from the corporate world to make a difference and follow their passion, only to find themselves bogged down in the same bureaucracy, politics and frustration they thought they had left behind.
How to rediscover your inspiration
The key is to reconnect with the purpose of your organisation. For example, one of my clients makes a point of once a month getting out of the office to meet the disadvantaged kids her organisation is helping. This reignites her passion for her work and assists in prioritising her workload, focusing on the actions that contribute most to achieving the aims of the organisation – helping the kids.
If your inspiration has gone AWOL, reconnect with the purpose of your organisation, take a walk around the art gallery that you work in, meet the kids that your charity is helping, talk to your clients about how your software is helping their business grow, get creative in your design agency and remember why you took the role in the first place. Then focus on activities that drive the aims of the organisation forward.