An important time of the year is approaching for people who are serious about improving their performance as business developers and who want to attract more clients, customers, sponsors and funding
I’m talking about the time before the end of this year, when we should stop to review the year we have just experienced.
Key questions to answer
As individuals, teams and organisations we should stop and ask…
Which aspects of our approach worked well for us this year that we should continue with and do more of?
Which elements of our approach didn’t work so well that we need to change?
Why is this important?
Put simply, if we don’t take the opportunity to learn from this year’s experience, we will be destined to achieve the same result again
If you had a record year, you might think that more of the same is good, but why limit yourself to that which you have already achieved?
If your year was not so good, failure to learn from your experience could make for a tough year ahead.
Next year is too late
We need to ask these questions when the experience is still fresh in our minds. Leave it until next year and the moment will be gone; we will focused on the immediate challenges that the new year presents without the benefit of our learnings from the previous year
Write it down or it won’t happen
Write in next year’s diary for the day you plan to return to work, what you are going to continue doing, stop doing and start doing to be more effective
Take a competitive advantage
If you do this and your competitors take the same approach, you will have already given yourself an early advantage